Saturday, February 21, 2009

With tragedy there is hope

With tragedy there can be hope, life isn’t always nice to us and it is constantly throwing us curve balls that we don’t quite understand. Although, what if there was a way to change up the pitch?
On a warm summer day a young woman is driving down a mountain highway. A slow-moving truck impedes her progress, and she attempts to pass it by moving into the oncoming lane of traffic. Suddenly, a second truck looms in the oncoming lane, and it clips the woman's rear fender. The fast moving truck collides with her car, and she passes on with no time to think or make any last minute choices, or even say goodbye.
As the paramedics arrive, glistening in the sunlight was a silver bracelet that caught the EMT’s attention, slowly he reads…Donor.
On a warm summer day, six year old Michael is getting ready to warm up for his first little league game of the summer. During the second inning he was up to bat and was making it his prime duty to get to base before the baseman. As he stumbles, grabs his chest and falls hard to the ground his father rushes to his son’s side. Michael is taken to the hospital where it is discovered he needs a heart transplant and there is no available donor.
As the family morns with little hope, Michael’s mother is told about a woman killed in a car crash, who happens to have a good heart and the same blood type as Michael, she has been flown to the hospital for organ recovery. Michael is given the life-saving operation, and he can live on knowing that since that woman was an organ donor he has been granted life. This is something you can be forever thankful for.
This story, and many others like it, have reached the hearts of people everywhere. Being a donor can and will change someone’s life, possibly even your own. The story above impeccably resembles a film by the name of John Q. This movie is a way to show us first hand that life can be changed unexpectedly, but you can change the pitch if you are ready for

Written by Renee Pirolozzi

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